This little table is a run! It was very easy to assemble all the holes and pieces matched up perfectly. The tools you need for assembly are included. It is very sturdy. I got this to hide the mess of chargers and wires that were constantly laying around. Now everything is hidden perfectly and having the plug inside the table keeps my mess hidden away. Also, very happy that there was not an odor (some of these tables stink from the varnish).
I might get another! Does not disappoint!
This little table is a run! It was very easy to assemble all the holes and pieces matched up perfectly. The tools you need for assembly are included. It is very sturdy. I got this to hide the mess of chargers and wires that were constantly laying around. Now everything is hidden perfectly and having the plug inside the table keeps my mess hidden away. Also, very happy that there was not an odor (some of these tables stink from the varnish).