This was well packaged, easy to assemble, and very sturdy once put together. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow, and all hardware and tools are included. The tolerances are nice and tight everything snapped right into place. I did use a drill they dont skimp on hardware — there are lots of screws! Also, be sure to pay close attention to the directions. Some pieces have to be put on in a specific direction. Its vey clear just make sure youre paying attention.
Sturdy and easy to assemble
This was well packaged, easy to assemble, and very sturdy once put together. The instructions are very clear and easy to follow, and all hardware and tools are included. The tolerances are nice and tight everything snapped right into place. I did use a drill they dont skimp on hardware — there are lots of screws! Also, be sure to pay close attention to the directions. Some pieces have to be put on in a specific direction. Its vey clear just make sure youre paying attention.