The chair was delivered on time, as ordered, and packaged fine. It required no assembly at all, was very easy to unpack and unfold, and looked great right out of the box. I weigh 320 lbs, and the chair fully supports me with absolutely no problem. It is extremely comfortable due to the extra width, extra padding, and the included pillow and side table. The only issue I have with the lounge chair is that, when I try to recline by pushing out the reclining bar with my feet, the bar drags on the ground making it hard to get into the reclining position. I thought maybe it was because I am just too heavy, but my 130 lb. wife has the same problem. We have another regular size zero gravity chair, and it is easy to recline. Having said that, once I AM fully reclined, it is heavenly!
Gives comfort AND stability!
The chair was delivered on time, as ordered, and packaged fine. It required no assembly at all, was very easy to unpack and unfold, and looked great right out of the box. I weigh 320 lbs, and the chair fully supports me with absolutely no problem. It is extremely comfortable due to the extra width, extra padding, and the included pillow and side table. The only issue I have with the lounge chair is that, when I try to recline by pushing out the reclining bar with my feet, the bar drags on the ground making it hard to get into the reclining position. I thought maybe it was because I am just too heavy, but my 130 lb. wife has the same problem. We have another regular size zero gravity chair, and it is easy to recline. Having said that, once I AM fully reclined, it is heavenly!