We bought this for our daughter as her first big girl bed. Its perfect and shes in love. The slide and stairs are great and its good quality. The assembly was fairly simple and only took my husband and I less than 2hrs to assemble. I wish all the screws were labeled, but we figured it out.
I was skeptical because of the other reviews, but that one positive review was all I needed to bite the bullet! Glad we did...
New Big Girl Bed!
We bought this for our daughter as her first big girl bed. Its perfect and shes in love. The slide and stairs are great and its good quality. The assembly was fairly simple and only took my husband and I less than 2hrs to assemble. I wish all the screws were labeled, but we figured it out. I was skeptical because of the other reviews, but that one positive review was all I needed to bite the bullet! Glad we did...