It was easy to assemble. I am a 55 year old arthritic small in stature lady but I was able to assemble all by myself. Most people should have help with certain steps of assembly. I had to drill one hole as it didnt align but it happens when you buy something that needs to be assembled so no big deal. My granddaughter loves it so much. I put a pit filled with balls at the end of the slide.
Great quality and easy to assemble
It was easy to assemble. I am a 55 year old arthritic small in stature lady but I was able to assemble all by myself. Most people should have help with certain steps of assembly. I had to drill one hole as it didnt align but it happens when you buy something that needs to be assembled so no big deal. My granddaughter loves it so much. I put a pit filled with balls at the end of the slide.