I am using this in my office for several things but it is working out very nicely. This would work just as well for its intended purpose of a rolling island. It seems sturdy enough. It was easy to assemble and all the drawers and doors linbe up nicely. I had no issues during assembly which took about an hour. The directions are very easy to followunlike some RTA furniture. It might be a bit pricey but if it lasts then the price is justified.
Nice for RTA
I am using this in my office for several things but it is working out very nicely. This would work just as well for its intended purpose of a rolling island. It seems sturdy enough. It was easy to assemble and all the drawers and doors linbe up nicely. I had no issues during assembly which took about an hour. The directions are very easy to followunlike some RTA furniture. It might be a bit pricey but if it lasts then the price is justified.