Ive been looking on various websites for a durable bed that would be easy to assemble and sturdy enough to last for years. I always read reviews and soecs on items. So happy I found this one. Its not cheaply made, and the price was fantastic.
My husband and I assembled it in a matter of a few hours.
This was delivered UPS and weighed approximately 75 pounds. Worth every penny if you want both headboard and footboards and not have to use box springs ever again. I highly recommend!
Sturdy, timeless, great price
Ive been looking on various websites for a durable bed that would be easy to assemble and sturdy enough to last for years. I always read reviews and soecs on items. So happy I found this one. Its not cheaply made, and the price was fantastic. My husband and I assembled it in a matter of a few hours. This was delivered UPS and weighed approximately 75 pounds. Worth every penny if you want both headboard and footboards and not have to use box springs ever again. I highly recommend!