Its super easy to assemble and seems to be fairly sturdy for an average sized person. The teal color is muted and lovely for a mcm vibe. That said, it is small and uncomfortable to sit in for any length of time. I am 411, so for me to say that it is small, Im not saying that it is too small for me, but if youre a normal human, you will likely be disappointed.
I assumed that I would buy a second chair to establish a reading area with a great little table and lamp... not with this chair! My husband is 59 and cannot get comfortable to read a book or enjoy this chair.
I do feel like the fabric is durable and will hold up quite well, should be able to be spot treated if necessary. This chair is now in my bedroom, on my side as MY reading chair, since it is only sized appropriately for a shorter person (IMO)
Takeaway is, looks great, but needs to grow about 2 sizes.
You get what you pay for
Its super easy to assemble and seems to be fairly sturdy for an average sized person. The teal color is muted and lovely for a mcm vibe. That said, it is small and uncomfortable to sit in for any length of time. I am 411, so for me to say that it is small, Im not saying that it is too small for me, but if youre a normal human, you will likely be disappointed. I assumed that I would buy a second chair to establish a reading area with a great little table and lamp... not with this chair! My husband is 59 and cannot get comfortable to read a book or enjoy this chair. I do feel like the fabric is durable and will hold up quite well, should be able to be spot treated if necessary. This chair is now in my bedroom, on my side as MY reading chair, since it is only sized appropriately for a shorter person (IMO) Takeaway is, looks great, but needs to grow about 2 sizes.