I was able to put the frame together all by myself / even the last part that said 2 people would be needed. My daughter almost immediately started jumping on the bed (which she got in trouble for) but it was very sturdy, which made me happy. The box that held all of the screws had broken open during shipping but I was able to find all of the pieces and was happy that there were also extras, just in case. My daughter absolutely loves this bed. I am very happy with this purchase.
Easy to assemble and sturdy
I was able to put the frame together all by myself / even the last part that said 2 people would be needed. My daughter almost immediately started jumping on the bed (which she got in trouble for) but it was very sturdy, which made me happy. The box that held all of the screws had broken open during shipping but I was able to find all of the pieces and was happy that there were also extras, just in case. My daughter absolutely loves this bed. I am very happy with this purchase.