I purchased this bed for my 7 year old who asked for a bunk bed. It was easy to assemble I did it by myself with a bit of help from her. Overall it’s a great bed but my only issue is that it needs more support on the sides to make it not wobble a little bit. I know when she is moving because I can feel it. It doesn’t bother me but I wouldn’t allow her to jump around up there. I got a 6in mattress which is perfect. Only thing is I bought a twin and not a twin xl but I put a body pillow at the top like a head board.
Great bed for small kids
I purchased this bed for my 7 year old who asked for a bunk bed. It was easy to assemble I did it by myself with a bit of help from her. Overall it’s a great bed but my only issue is that it needs more support on the sides to make it not wobble a little bit. I know when she is moving because I can feel it. It doesn’t bother me but I wouldn’t allow her to jump around up there. I got a 6in mattress which is perfect. Only thing is I bought a twin and not a twin xl but I put a body pillow at the top like a head board.