Sturdy, but the wood is not what it looks like in the add photos
Heavy and sturdy. Easy to assemble with provided wrench, about 45 min due to the instructions are lacking, but easy to figure out if you lay everything out before hand. Got this and a replacement due to the headboard is not what it looks like in the add photo - nice blended natural multi tone wood grain. what I got is not quite that. Decide for yourself. Dont regret the purchase, just the time and headache trying to get what they were selling. Maybe I got an over looked quality issue. handled my concern with wonderful customer service!
Sturdy, but the wood is not what it looks like in the add photos
Heavy and sturdy. Easy to assemble with provided wrench, about 45 min due to the instructions are lacking, but easy to figure out if you lay everything out before hand. Got this and a replacement due to the headboard is not what it looks like in the add photo - nice blended natural multi tone wood grain. what I got is not quite that. Decide for yourself. Dont regret the purchase, just the time and headache trying to get what they were selling. Maybe I got an over looked quality issue. handled my concern with wonderful customer service!