It looks good, and it assembled easily. But the two vertical bars of the headboard arent sturdy. Even a casual effort to tighten up the bolts of the headboard is enough to distort it. Relatively light use is going to wear it out prematurely, to the point that it wont hold together firmly. Larger washers would avoid a number of the problems here, but at the point where the bars attach to the rest of the bed structure, it needs substantial reenforcement.
Not a great design
It looks good, and it assembled easily. But the two vertical bars of the headboard arent sturdy. Even a casual effort to tighten up the bolts of the headboard is enough to distort it. Relatively light use is going to wear it out prematurely, to the point that it wont hold together firmly. Larger washers would avoid a number of the problems here, but at the point where the bars attach to the rest of the bed structure, it needs substantial reenforcement.