Assemble it correctly and youll get no squeaks or cracks
Super easy to assemble, slats are good material and sturdy they held my 186lb fat ass while my 47lb child was jumping and landing flip bombs on the bed and those slats didnt even make a single crack noise as I was expecting them to. The bed frame as well does not squeak at all. So yeah, I like the bed frame its a nice choice and its cheap.
Assemble it correctly and youll get no squeaks or cracks
Super easy to assemble, slats are good material and sturdy they held my 186lb fat ass while my 47lb child was jumping and landing flip bombs on the bed and those slats didnt even make a single crack noise as I was expecting them to. The bed frame as well does not squeak at all. So yeah, I like the bed frame its a nice choice and its cheap.