Frame is easy to assemble, took me about an hour by myself. Not sure how sturdy it is, as its for the guest room. Parents will be visiting in two weeks from this review so if something goes wrong Ill make sure to update.
There was some minor damage from shopping on the head board and lip thats supports the wooden slats. Also I have a 10 inch queen size memory foam mattress and it over hangs the end of the bed by about an inch so Its not a perfect fit.
Good for $180 queen bed frame.
Frame is easy to assemble, took me about an hour by myself. Not sure how sturdy it is, as its for the guest room. Parents will be visiting in two weeks from this review so if something goes wrong Ill make sure to update. There was some minor damage from shopping on the head board and lip thats supports the wooden slats. Also I have a 10 inch queen size memory foam mattress and it over hangs the end of the bed by about an inch so Its not a perfect fit.