The furniture is great for the price. It was smaller than I anticipated, but very nice. The only issue I have is, the table is difficult to put together, the screw holes do not seem to be drilled far enough and the screws will not screw in completely. They will only go in half way. I am afraid to drill them out, since I dont want to break the table. I dont feel I should have to figure out a way to make it work.
Best Choice Outdoor Furniture
The furniture is great for the price. It was smaller than I anticipated, but very nice. The only issue I have is, the table is difficult to put together, the screw holes do not seem to be drilled far enough and the screws will not screw in completely. They will only go in half way. I am afraid to drill them out, since I dont want to break the table. I dont feel I should have to figure out a way to make it work.