This was easy to assemble, but I was very disappointed when I noticed that its uneven. All 4 legs of the bed do not touch the ground. Therefore, it wobbles a bit. I put a rubber bed leg stopper underneath to make the bed level, but I shouldnt have to treat the bed like its a wobbly resturant table.
The other disappointment is that my bed takes up half the headboard. Whats the point of that?!
I would not purchase this bed frame again.
Uneven bed
This was easy to assemble, but I was very disappointed when I noticed that its uneven. All 4 legs of the bed do not touch the ground. Therefore, it wobbles a bit. I put a rubber bed leg stopper underneath to make the bed level, but I shouldnt have to treat the bed like its a wobbly resturant table. The other disappointment is that my bed takes up half the headboard. Whats the point of that?! I would not purchase this bed frame again.