Product was very easy to assemble. However, they’re not particularly comfortable and I have concerns as to their sturdiness. The screws that hold the base to the seat were very short and there is no locking mechanism, washer, etc. So time will tell as to how well the seat stays on. In terms of comfort they feel odd. A bit lumpy in unexpected places. The back is low, which is shown in the pictures, but doesn’t feel “ergonomic.” When properly seated the stool back doesn’t touch the physical back at all. It’s almost like they’re backless stools - but with a “back” for aesthetic rposes only. There’s a least a 3 inch gap between my back and the back of the stool. You can’t actually lean back in them without overextending your back to an odd angle. The piece that forms the back is also a little askew in both. They do adjust up and down which is fine. I bought these to replace some wooden bar stools that were slowly falling apart due to wear. In terms of comparison, though, my old stools are much more comfortable. Not sure I’m ready to give my old stools up, though, now that I’ve assembled these.
Meh ... they’re ok but not that great
Product was very easy to assemble. However, they’re not particularly comfortable and I have concerns as to their sturdiness. The screws that hold the base to the seat were very short and there is no locking mechanism, washer, etc. So time will tell as to how well the seat stays on. In terms of comfort they feel odd. A bit lumpy in unexpected places. The back is low, which is shown in the pictures, but doesn’t feel “ergonomic.” When properly seated the stool back doesn’t touch the physical back at all. It’s almost like they’re backless stools - but with a “back” for aesthetic rposes only. There’s a least a 3 inch gap between my back and the back of the stool. You can’t actually lean back in them without overextending your back to an odd angle. The piece that forms the back is also a little askew in both. They do adjust up and down which is fine. I bought these to replace some wooden bar stools that were slowly falling apart due to wear. In terms of comparison, though, my old stools are much more comfortable. Not sure I’m ready to give my old stools up, though, now that I’ve assembled these.