Super simple to assemble, my 5 year old built one with just a little assistance. It does sink down a little when you sit in them and we are not heavy. I love how soft they are and the seats are pretty big but the back is straight and doesn’t bend so there is no lounging. Very sturdy!! My daughter spins aggressively in them and so far hasn’t fallen over. Overall I like them a lot and they are exactly what we needed.
Nice chairs for the money!!
Super simple to assemble, my 5 year old built one with just a little assistance. It does sink down a little when you sit in them and we are not heavy. I love how soft they are and the seats are pretty big but the back is straight and doesn’t bend so there is no lounging. Very sturdy!! My daughter spins aggressively in them and so far hasn’t fallen over. Overall I like them a lot and they are exactly what we needed.