This was one of the items my daughter wanted for Christmas and I’m glad they’re just as great as they looked online. She was able to assemble them herself and said they came in four pieces. The round bottom piece, the foot bar part, the hydraulic part that lifts the seat, and the seat itself. She just had to screw the foot part to the bottom of the chair and the rest just connects without any tools. She says they comfortable and even cuter in person.
Bar Stools
This was one of the items my daughter wanted for Christmas and I’m glad they’re just as great as they looked online. She was able to assemble them herself and said they came in four pieces. The round bottom piece, the foot bar part, the hydraulic part that lifts the seat, and the seat itself. She just had to screw the foot part to the bottom of the chair and the rest just connects without any tools. She says they comfortable and even cuter in person.