My girls love this bed. It looks nice and it seems very sturdy. By that I would give it 5 stars. The instructions for assembly were easy to understand. It was easy to put together, but the metal slats were a bear. Half of the slats to the day bed would not slide in and if you push too hard the metal bends though it was easily straightened with a hammer. We got them all in though. Overall I am very happy with thus purchase.
My girls love this bed
My girls love this bed. It looks nice and it seems very sturdy. By that I would give it 5 stars. The instructions for assembly were easy to understand. It was easy to put together, but the metal slats were a bear. Half of the slats to the day bed would not slide in and if you push too hard the metal bends though it was easily straightened with a hammer. We got them all in though. Overall I am very happy with thus purchase.