These chairs are great to grab a quick bite and relax for a few minutes. Beyond that, theyre terribly uncomfortable. When my job went remote overnight in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, I was in a pinch until I found something else for office furniture. So I used my kitchen table and these chairs. After about 1/ 2 hours I was about to pull my hair out. They kill your back. Zero support. ZERO! Just throwing that out there but for short term dining theyre just fine. I will also add I have had these things since 2019 and they can take a beating!
Great to sit in short term
These chairs are great to grab a quick bite and relax for a few minutes. Beyond that, theyre terribly uncomfortable. When my job went remote overnight in 2020 during the height of the pandemic, I was in a pinch until I found something else for office furniture. So I used my kitchen table and these chairs. After about 1/ 2 hours I was about to pull my hair out. They kill your back. Zero support. ZERO! Just throwing that out there but for short term dining theyre just fine. I will also add I have had these things since 2019 and they can take a beating!