This is the first couch that we bought, and we're very happy with the overall quality and looks. It came in 7 boxes in two different shipments. The assembly process was fairly easy, and did not require any additional tools. Each section of the couch came with its own screwdriver, so we have 6 now lol
I highly recommend this product, shipping was fast (1 week from placing order to delivery), overall quality is good, and it looks nice. It's quite comfy as well!
Great price-quality ratio
This is the first couch that we bought, and we're very happy with the overall quality and looks. It came in 7 boxes in two different shipments. The assembly process was fairly easy, and did not require any additional tools. Each section of the couch came with its own screwdriver, so we have 6 now lol I highly recommend this product, shipping was fast (1 week from placing order to delivery), overall quality is good, and it looks nice. It's quite comfy as well!