I ordered 4 of these bed frames for a recent new home purchase. Our intention was to use these for our kids, and while they make a great frame for a child, my mom has slept on them and it worked just fine. The materials feel very sturdy. Assembly was straightforward and easy to follow / all parts and hardware were clearly marked and the instructions included well/labeled pictures. The frames (once tightened well) feel very sturdy. Full disclosure / one of the boxes was damaged during shipping and a piece inside the box crimped. Unfortunately, this prevented complete assembly. Thankfully, fulfilled a quick replacement and we were able to get a functional bed in place quickly. After the first assembly, the remaining 4 beds we ordered came together very quickly / it helped to have a second set of hands to hold a few pieces in place, however, I was able to put one together by myself with some additional creativity. I feel this twin frame offered great value and functionality for the price. I would absolutely order again in the future.
Great value! Versatile and classic style.
I ordered 4 of these bed frames for a recent new home purchase. Our intention was to use these for our kids, and while they make a great frame for a child, my mom has slept on them and it worked just fine. The materials feel very sturdy. Assembly was straightforward and easy to follow / all parts and hardware were clearly marked and the instructions included well/labeled pictures. The frames (once tightened well) feel very sturdy. Full disclosure / one of the boxes was damaged during shipping and a piece inside the box crimped. Unfortunately, this prevented complete assembly. Thankfully, fulfilled a quick replacement and we were able to get a functional bed in place quickly. After the first assembly, the remaining 4 beds we ordered came together very quickly / it helped to have a second set of hands to hold a few pieces in place, however, I was able to put one together by myself with some additional creativity. I feel this twin frame offered great value and functionality for the price. I would absolutely order again in the future.