Im happy with this purchase for the price. I assembled it by myself in a little over an hour, no problem. It would have been faster if I used better tools but I used the ones the package came with. Ive slept on it 2 nights so far and it doesnt squeak or anything. It feels sturdy and the frame material is . The storage space underneath is excellent and thats the main reason I bought this. The only down side is that the frame is a couple inches longer than my mattress so it leaves the corner exposed if you dont have a fluffy comforter hanging over the edge of your bed. So just beware of hitting your shins. Id recommend measuring your mattress before purchasing this to make sure this wont happen for you.
Warning/Exposed Corners Overall good product
Im happy with this purchase for the price. I assembled it by myself in a little over an hour, no problem. It would have been faster if I used better tools but I used the ones the package came with. Ive slept on it 2 nights so far and it doesnt squeak or anything. It feels sturdy and the frame material is . The storage space underneath is excellent and thats the main reason I bought this. The only down side is that the frame is a couple inches longer than my mattress so it leaves the corner exposed if you dont have a fluffy comforter hanging over the edge of your bed. So just beware of hitting your shins. Id recommend measuring your mattress before purchasing this to make sure this wont happen for you.