Great bunk for me my daughter and my husband. My husband weight is 250 and I weigh 125 the bed is very sturdy I have no problems with my bed wobbling. I went on the top bunk with my daughter and tested If it was stable its perfect my daughter is about 35lb. The only concern I had was both ladders came with chipped spots, but I can put stickers over them great for small spaces.
Small space no problem!!! Love it
Great bunk for me my daughter and my husband. My husband weight is 250 and I weigh 125 the bed is very sturdy I have no problems with my bed wobbling. I went on the top bunk with my daughter and tested If it was stable its perfect my daughter is about 35lb. The only concern I had was both ladders came with chipped spots, but I can put stickers over them great for small spaces.