It took around 2 hours to assemble this product with the help of my teenager but its easy. Its a tough product and can withstand a good jumping by a toddler on the top. Only reason I removed a star is because it makes a lot of noise. If the top guy moves the bottom moves a lot too. And theres the constant sounds every time a person shifts or moves. But overall its very good product for the price it is.
Good product just a little noisy.
It took around 2 hours to assemble this product with the help of my teenager but its easy. Its a tough product and can withstand a good jumping by a toddler on the top. Only reason I removed a star is because it makes a lot of noise. If the top guy moves the bottom moves a lot too. And theres the constant sounds every time a person shifts or moves. But overall its very good product for the price it is.