When I first got the box, I couldnt believe a bed this size fit in itbut it did. My 3 kids and I put this together in a couple hours. Super easy to assemble, but you definitely need people to hold things together while you screw everything in. We are very happy with the bed. I did 4 stars for comfort, only because the bars on the ladders that you climb up, are very skinny and hard on the feet. We are considering buying seatbelt covers to Velcro onto them.
Works for us! Happy with our purchase
When I first got the box, I couldnt believe a bed this size fit in itbut it did. My 3 kids and I put this together in a couple hours. Super easy to assemble, but you definitely need people to hold things together while you screw everything in. We are very happy with the bed. I did 4 stars for comfort, only because the bars on the ladders that you climb up, are very skinny and hard on the feet. We are considering buying seatbelt covers to Velcro onto them.