If they love it I have to love it too just gotta keep them from treating so much like a toy, they love this way more than I expected so I am really satisfied! The assembly was not to hard but have help one additional person will do But I think I could have done it alone alright just a little longer. Now the youngest 6 want to be in the room all the time, It is sturdy and secure. A great deal especially for the buck!!!
The Kids love it!
If they love it I have to love it too just gotta keep them from treating so much like a toy, they love this way more than I expected so I am really satisfied! The assembly was not to hard but have help one additional person will do But I think I could have done it alone alright just a little longer. Now the youngest 6 want to be in the room all the time, It is sturdy and secure. A great deal especially for the buck!!!