Easy to set up. Great value for the price. Very sturdy construction. Thought the hinges might be problematic, but not so. Very solid feel. Wife bounces all the time on it and loves it. Used it to replace one we got about 9 years ago and this is much sturdier, less expensive, and comes with the safety bar (the old one didnt have one. Hardly makes any noise, compared to the loud squeaks of the other ones we have had.
Great value and very durable!
Easy to set up. Great value for the price. Very sturdy construction. Thought the hinges might be problematic, but not so. Very solid feel. Wife bounces all the time on it and loves it. Used it to replace one we got about 9 years ago and this is much sturdier, less expensive, and comes with the safety bar (the old one didnt have one. Hardly makes any noise, compared to the loud squeaks of the other ones we have had.