The word instructions cannot be used for the vague set of pictures and videos that came with this trampoline. This took me and my daughter over an hour to assemble, and it felt much, much longer. At the end, we couldnt get the last screw in (still felt sturdy tho) because of an alignment issue. And we have some washers left over that were never in the instructions OR any videos. Well admit were not GREAT at assembly but were fairly average. This was not easy assembly nor is it easy to fold/unfold. I literally fell down while trying to unfold it because of the poor instructions. That being said, its a trampoline. Its fun! Its bouncy!
Bad instructions but fun trampoline
The word instructions cannot be used for the vague set of pictures and videos that came with this trampoline. This took me and my daughter over an hour to assemble, and it felt much, much longer. At the end, we couldnt get the last screw in (still felt sturdy tho) because of an alignment issue. And we have some washers left over that were never in the instructions OR any videos. Well admit were not GREAT at assembly but were fairly average. This was not easy assembly nor is it easy to fold/unfold. I literally fell down while trying to unfold it because of the poor instructions. That being said, its a trampoline. Its fun! Its bouncy!