All fixed by seller / originally had issues with handlebar
The first time around, this was very difficult to assemble. It turned out the handlebar had a manufacturing issue. Customer service responded and sent a new bar. I was able to finally put the pieces together and it works well. Then they reached out to let me know that they have discovered other issues with the handlebar, and offered to replace the item with an updated version, or refund my money. I chose the refund. Overall, I am very happy with the conscientiousness of customer service. I find the trampoline itself to be in good condition and reliable, and I just dont use the handlebar.
All fixed by seller / originally had issues with handlebar
The first time around, this was very difficult to assemble. It turned out the handlebar had a manufacturing issue. Customer service responded and sent a new bar. I was able to finally put the pieces together and it works well. Then they reached out to let me know that they have discovered other issues with the handlebar, and offered to replace the item with an updated version, or refund my money. I chose the refund. Overall, I am very happy with the conscientiousness of customer service. I find the trampoline itself to be in good condition and reliable, and I just dont use the handlebar.