Bought this for my 2 year old. Its great except that the legs dont stay on very well. The legs screw in and the threads are small any shifting and the legs become loose. Best bet to make sure it doent break is to get some contractor adhesive and glue the legs permanently.
UPDATE: I was contacted by the seller about the issue I listed above. They corrected the problem and offered to send a new one free of charge. I am changing my 3 stars to 5 for simple customer satisfaction, and correcting the problem.
Its okay but needs improvement.
Bought this for my 2 year old. Its great except that the legs dont stay on very well. The legs screw in and the threads are small any shifting and the legs become loose. Best bet to make sure it doent break is to get some contractor adhesive and glue the legs permanently. UPDATE: I was contacted by the seller about the issue I listed above. They corrected the problem and offered to send a new one free of charge. I am changing my 3 stars to 5 for simple customer satisfaction, and correcting the problem.