A decent desk for the price and not very bulky. Its sturdy and big enough to fit my 2 laptops and 2 24 monitored. The assembly is pretty easy but the manual is a little bit confusing. I had to screw/unscrew some of the parts a couple times cause I would get it wrong. I didnt want to spend too much money so for the price, its good.
L shaped, takes less space
Light but sturdy enough to fit 3-4 monitors/LTs
Assembly is easy
Not too expensive
Not solid wood
Can get scratched with sharp item
Light and inexpensive
A decent desk for the price and not very bulky. Its sturdy and big enough to fit my 2 laptops and 2 24 monitored. The assembly is pretty easy but the manual is a little bit confusing. I had to screw/unscrew some of the parts a couple times cause I would get it wrong. I didnt want to spend too much money so for the price, its good. Pros L shaped, takes less space Light but sturdy enough to fit 3-4 monitors/LTs Assembly is easy Not too expensive Cons Not solid wood Can get scratched with sharp item