Amazing desk for the price. Very sturdy and easy to assemble. Only complaint with it uses them allen wrench heads. Was a bit annoying, but wasn't too bad.
As the reviews say, it is spot welded. For $150, what do you expect? They'll save as much money during production as possible. It's still an amazing desk, and I am confident that it'll hold up for a good while. I bought this for me, and now wife wants the same one as well.
100% worth the money! If you're in the market for a desk that won't break the bank, for sure grab this one.
AMAZING desk for the price.
Amazing desk for the price. Very sturdy and easy to assemble. Only complaint with it uses them allen wrench heads. Was a bit annoying, but wasn't too bad. As the reviews say, it is spot welded. For $150, what do you expect? They'll save as much money during production as possible. It's still an amazing desk, and I am confident that it'll hold up for a good while. I bought this for me, and now wife wants the same one as well. 100% worth the money! If you're in the market for a desk that won't break the bank, for sure grab this one.