I use this in my home office as I WFH. It was very easy to assemble and is very sturdy considering the price. I did struggle with it being too small. I have 2 large 36 monitors and a laptop and they hang off the edges. I am in the process of purchasing a second one to create what Im calling mega desk to resemble the picture in the link. I am pretty happy with it to the point where I will purchase 2. This is perfect for small spaces if you dont have gigantic monitors.
Very good for the money
I use this in my home office as I WFH. It was very easy to assemble and is very sturdy considering the price. I did struggle with it being too small. I have 2 large 36 monitors and a laptop and they hang off the edges. I am in the process of purchasing a second one to create what Im calling mega desk to resemble the picture in the link. I am pretty happy with it to the point where I will purchase 2. This is perfect for small spaces if you dont have gigantic monitors.