These are ok. I bought two so I could fit them into a specific area in the house. They fit nice and look ok. Assembly was fairly simple, but the backs keep falling off from time to time no matter what we do to secure them. The legs are kinda cheap and tiny and there's only 6 screws holding the entire thing together. It's not very comfortable at all. Has about half an inch of padding between you and the springs and the springs. I've had pillows with more cushion than the back support on these. Reminds me of an airline pillow being pushed in behind my back.
These are ok. I bought two so I could fit them into a specific area in the house. They fit nice and look ok. Assembly was fairly simple, but the backs keep falling off from time to time no matter what we do to secure them. The legs are kinda cheap and tiny and there's only 6 screws holding the entire thing together. It's not very comfortable at all. Has about half an inch of padding between you and the springs and the springs. I've had pillows with more cushion than the back support on these. Reminds me of an airline pillow being pushed in behind my back.