Couch is super easy to assemble and moderately sturdy. It wrinkles way too easily but it doesn't bug me that much. It is stiff but I don't mind that either, I like it to be sturdy, and after a few days it softened up. I don't know if this couch will last, there is velcro holding down all the cushions and the more you move them around the faster the velcro will age. It's interchangeable and I like that, the ottoman/chaise doesn't seem to line up exactly but it works for what it is. Even though I measured out the space, it's still a little smaller width wise than I thought it would be. It fits one person laying down comfortably, about the size of a twin bed. All around B couch.
I had an issue with the shipping times changing from what I set on a work day. I got spam called until I answered even though I was at work, the time frame was 3-5 and they called at 2 saying they were 5 minutes away. This wasn't a huge issue, but a bit of an inconvenience.
The upsetting thing however is the literal day I bought the couch, the price suddenly went down by about 40$. I paid almost 670$ for the couch and the same day AFTER I bought it, the price dropped.
Good enough, but a price drop?
Couch is super easy to assemble and moderately sturdy. It wrinkles way too easily but it doesn't bug me that much. It is stiff but I don't mind that either, I like it to be sturdy, and after a few days it softened up. I don't know if this couch will last, there is velcro holding down all the cushions and the more you move them around the faster the velcro will age. It's interchangeable and I like that, the ottoman/chaise doesn't seem to line up exactly but it works for what it is. Even though I measured out the space, it's still a little smaller width wise than I thought it would be. It fits one person laying down comfortably, about the size of a twin bed. All around B couch. I had an issue with the shipping times changing from what I set on a work day. I got spam called until I answered even though I was at work, the time frame was 3-5 and they called at 2 saying they were 5 minutes away. This wasn't a huge issue, but a bit of an inconvenience. The upsetting thing however is the literal day I bought the couch, the price suddenly went down by about 40$. I paid almost 670$ for the couch and the same day AFTER I bought it, the price dropped.