Im really impressed with how nice this couch is. Im so happy with how easy it was to assemble. Its also really nice because you can move the sectionals position the way your room is set up or you can detach the end and turn it into an ottoman simply by switching the cushions on the couch.
It feels like a long lasting couch because of the great cushion quality unlike those other springy couches.
The color and the fabric are great too!
So far I have no complaints about this couch. Its amazing, clean to look at, sturdy, worth the money and very easy to rearrange in our room.
Great Quality and VERY easy to assemble
Im really impressed with how nice this couch is. Im so happy with how easy it was to assemble. Its also really nice because you can move the sectionals position the way your room is set up or you can detach the end and turn it into an ottoman simply by switching the cushions on the couch. It feels like a long lasting couch because of the great cushion quality unlike those other springy couches. The color and the fabric are great too! So far I have no complaints about this couch. Its amazing, clean to look at, sturdy, worth the money and very easy to rearrange in our room.