This product has some issues. When putting the bed together, some parts are not made properly so they were unable to be screwed in. Some of the bolts were already stripped so you could not screw them in with the tool that was sent. Overall, I will see exaactly how long it will last. The product does not seem to be as sturdy as the pictures show. The bars that the mattress is laid on are not very thick and a board will have to be put over them in order for them to last and not bend.
Quality of product
This product has some issues. When putting the bed together, some parts are not made properly so they were unable to be screwed in. Some of the bolts were already stripped so you could not screw them in with the tool that was sent. Overall, I will see exaactly how long it will last. The product does not seem to be as sturdy as the pictures show. The bars that the mattress is laid on are not very thick and a board will have to be put over them in order for them to last and not bend.