I purchased this for my 10 year old and she loves it. It took some time to put together but its not complicated. The directions are pretty straightforward. Its not as sturdy as Id like, but for the price it does the job. You get what you pay for. I like that you can secure it to the wall for stability. I definitely recommend to secure it to the wall or it will not be as stable and could be dangerous because even with it being secured to the wall it does sway a bit when climbing up or down. Also it makes some noise when climbing or when being on it, but its to be expected considering the sturdiness and that it is made of . Overall, Im satisfied with this product.
Not the most sturdy but it does the job.
I purchased this for my 10 year old and she loves it. It took some time to put together but its not complicated. The directions are pretty straightforward. Its not as sturdy as Id like, but for the price it does the job. You get what you pay for. I like that you can secure it to the wall for stability. I definitely recommend to secure it to the wall or it will not be as stable and could be dangerous because even with it being secured to the wall it does sway a bit when climbing up or down. Also it makes some noise when climbing or when being on it, but its to be expected considering the sturdiness and that it is made of . Overall, Im satisfied with this product.