It is a reasonable amount of work to assemble the bed (with clear instructions in the assembly guide), and it is really great for a small bedroom. Tt supports me (an adult) well. Besides, it gives a great amount of space under the bed, which is great for extra storage in a small bedroom.
However, as some comments said, even after tightening all parts, the bed is not sturdy. It shakes when I climb up and shakes when I turn to another direction on the bed.
Easy to Assemble But Not Sturdy
It is a reasonable amount of work to assemble the bed (with clear instructions in the assembly guide), and it is really great for a small bedroom. Tt supports me (an adult) well. Besides, it gives a great amount of space under the bed, which is great for extra storage in a small bedroom. However, as some comments said, even after tightening all parts, the bed is not sturdy. It shakes when I climb up and shakes when I turn to another direction on the bed.