Wonderful bed. I bought for my six/year/old and it is sturdy when she climbs up and when shes in the bed. She absolutely loves it as well. Went together fairly easily, I was able to do most of it on my own but did need a second adult to help towards the end. We have a full bed on a separate frame underneath and there is plenty of room for an adult to sit up on the bed, so there is plenty of space. She is also low enough to to be able to sit up in the bed without being too close to the ceiling.
Overall, extremely happy with this purchase and would recommend to anyone looking for this style of bed.
Great quality, sturdy bed.
Wonderful bed. I bought for my six/year/old and it is sturdy when she climbs up and when shes in the bed. She absolutely loves it as well. Went together fairly easily, I was able to do most of it on my own but did need a second adult to help towards the end. We have a full bed on a separate frame underneath and there is plenty of room for an adult to sit up on the bed, so there is plenty of space. She is also low enough to to be able to sit up in the bed without being too close to the ceiling. Overall, extremely happy with this purchase and would recommend to anyone looking for this style of bed.