Seems sturdy and attractive. Was not hard to assemble at all. I am concerned about bolts in corners sticking out where the could potentially damage the mattress.
To those who said no problem using the extra long mattress, I did that and I recommend against it. Yes, you can squeeze it in, bit that makes it so tight that putting on sheets and bedding is difficult. Just because you stuff in a longer mattress doesnt make the bed longer
Solid and attractive.
Seems sturdy and attractive. Was not hard to assemble at all. I am concerned about bolts in corners sticking out where the could potentially damage the mattress. To those who said no problem using the extra long mattress, I did that and I recommend against it. Yes, you can squeeze it in, bit that makes it so tight that putting on sheets and bedding is difficult. Just because you stuff in a longer mattress doesnt make the bed longer