This is a must buy! I was reluctant at first after reading the reviews, but I have only positive things to say about this nightstand! It was simple to assemble, came quickly, and is much higher quality than I expected. It is very sturdy and the paint is the exact color I expected and there was not one area of chipped paint as others have complained about. The assembly was very easy. All the pieces were labeled and easy to locate, the directions were simple, and all hardware was provided. I only needed a screwdriver, and I was able to put it together in around 30 minutes by myself. I bought two of them and one of them was bought as “used” because the package was supposedly damaged. I got it for $25 cheaper and there is not a thing wrong with it! I am extremely happy with my new nightstands!!!
Buy it!! Buy it!!!
This is a must buy! I was reluctant at first after reading the reviews, but I have only positive things to say about this nightstand! It was simple to assemble, came quickly, and is much higher quality than I expected. It is very sturdy and the paint is the exact color I expected and there was not one area of chipped paint as others have complained about. The assembly was very easy. All the pieces were labeled and easy to locate, the directions were simple, and all hardware was provided. I only needed a screwdriver, and I was able to put it together in around 30 minutes by myself. I bought two of them and one of them was bought as “used” because the package was supposedly damaged. I got it for $25 cheaper and there is not a thing wrong with it! I am extremely happy with my new nightstands!!!