So I absolutely love the size because its perfect for my 3 year old to use now and as she gets bigger. It fits a twin mattress (I got mine from , if you want to know which mattress I bought just ask below) It was quick and easy to assemble and is very sturdy. We added some flower lights because my daughter doesnt like sleeping in the dark. It was bigger than I thought but that was a bonus and my daughter is obsessed with it. She calls it her little house and always asks to go play and sleep in it. I attached a picture of her standing in the doorway to the bed, shes 3ft3in. and has no problem standing in the doorway or standing up inside of the house. I would definitely recommend buying this bed.
The Best House Bed Ever!
So I absolutely love the size because its perfect for my 3 year old to use now and as she gets bigger. It fits a twin mattress (I got mine from , if you want to know which mattress I bought just ask below) It was quick and easy to assemble and is very sturdy. We added some flower lights because my daughter doesnt like sleeping in the dark. It was bigger than I thought but that was a bonus and my daughter is obsessed with it. She calls it her little house and always asks to go play and sleep in it. I attached a picture of her standing in the doorway to the bed, shes 3ft3in. and has no problem standing in the doorway or standing up inside of the house. I would definitely recommend buying this bed.