I bought this bed for my daughter one year ago. It included a torque wrench and was very easy to assemble. The quality and size was really good. My dauther loves this bed. After one year, I needed one more bed for my son, but I found about 100 cheaper bed that is similar design with this. I bought cheaper one, but realiezed that there are reasons of prices for everything. The cheaper one has cheap plastic legs and height is too low and assembling is not easy. I absoletly recomment this bed.
High quality bed.
I bought this bed for my daughter one year ago. It included a torque wrench and was very easy to assemble. The quality and size was really good. My dauther loves this bed. After one year, I needed one more bed for my son, but I found about 100 cheaper bed that is similar design with this. I bought cheaper one, but realiezed that there are reasons of prices for everything. The cheaper one has cheap plastic legs and height is too low and assembling is not easy. I absoletly recomment this bed.