I bought this bed set in a twin size for my daughter at college. It was packaged so cleverly with all the parts zipped and stored in the headboard itself. It was relatively easy to assemble. One person could do it, but 2 people made it easier.
Its sturdy and no box spring is needed. The screws are already on the bed frame, though extra are provided. Two tools are also provided so 2 people can assemble simultaneously.
Theres approx 7/8 inches underneath if you want to add storage bins underneath. In the photos, my daughter has 2 thick foam pads on top of her mattress and still a sufficient amount of th headboard is exposed. I noticed the price fluctuates greatly on this item, so might be worth using a price tracker. We got a great deal and great value!!
Worth Every Penny!!
I bought this bed set in a twin size for my daughter at college. It was packaged so cleverly with all the parts zipped and stored in the headboard itself. It was relatively easy to assemble. One person could do it, but 2 people made it easier. Its sturdy and no box spring is needed. The screws are already on the bed frame, though extra are provided. Two tools are also provided so 2 people can assemble simultaneously. Theres approx 7/8 inches underneath if you want to add storage bins underneath. In the photos, my daughter has 2 thick foam pads on top of her mattress and still a sufficient amount of th headboard is exposed. I noticed the price fluctuates greatly on this item, so might be worth using a price tracker. We got a great deal and great value!!