So easy to assemble, and sturdy it should be criminal
This is a great bedframe, my daughter loves it.
When it was first left at my door I thought it was a mistake because it comes in a pretty small box (but still heavy). It turns out that the entire frame is able to be stored away in the headboard, so the box is the size of the headboard.
After getting the crossbars for the frame slapped together, the rest was auto/pilot, no need for instructions, just taking my precious time, all done in about 30/40 minutes.
As a bonus, theres no chemical smell on the fabric, so if youre sensitive about those types of things, youre pretty much good to go as soon as its set up.
So easy to assemble, and sturdy it should be criminal
This is a great bedframe, my daughter loves it. When it was first left at my door I thought it was a mistake because it comes in a pretty small box (but still heavy). It turns out that the entire frame is able to be stored away in the headboard, so the box is the size of the headboard. After getting the crossbars for the frame slapped together, the rest was auto/pilot, no need for instructions, just taking my precious time, all done in about 30/40 minutes. As a bonus, theres no chemical smell on the fabric, so if youre sensitive about those types of things, youre pretty much good to go as soon as its set up.