Great quality, fairly quick to assemble, would recommend to those interested
Bought this during black friday on sale but didnt actually assemble it until recently. Overall quality of the product is very good, and was fairly easy to assemble despite the size of the frame. Instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Took about two hours to assemble alone (phone was also a distraction in the process). A small hex wrench was included which is a very nice touch, and made tightening bolts much easier than the allen key also included. Will update in the future after long term use.
Great quality, fairly quick to assemble, would recommend to those interested
Bought this during black friday on sale but didnt actually assemble it until recently. Overall quality of the product is very good, and was fairly easy to assemble despite the size of the frame. Instructions are very clear and easy to follow. Took about two hours to assemble alone (phone was also a distraction in the process). A small hex wrench was included which is a very nice touch, and made tightening bolts much easier than the allen key also included. Will update in the future after long term use.