After reading the reviews and considering the price, I ordered this table. It was very easy to assemble but as far as the quality, you get what you pay for. First of all, one of the legs was shorter than the others. Easy fix. But what was disappointing was the two doors stuck out somewhat on the bottom and a couple of the drawers are not straight and sit crooked a little. I did keep it, it probably bothers me more than anyone. Would not recommend though.
Somewhat disappointed
After reading the reviews and considering the price, I ordered this table. It was very easy to assemble but as far as the quality, you get what you pay for. First of all, one of the legs was shorter than the others. Easy fix. But what was disappointing was the two doors stuck out somewhat on the bottom and a couple of the drawers are not straight and sit crooked a little. I did keep it, it probably bothers me more than anyone. Would not recommend though.